The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West have just had our January Cyber Essentials Partner meeting. As always it was well attended and there were a number of innovations discussed which will help our membership to be more secure on line. So what I hear you ask is a Cyber Essentials Partner of a Cyber Resilience Centre. Cyber Essentials Partners are a group of certified partners who we are able to recommend to provide additional services. Our CE Partners have been accredited by the UK national accreditation body, IASME, to provide accredited certification towards Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus. So they understand the basics of cyber resilience, and they're located locally. We don't get anything from them if you use their service; we simply think that this is a better place to start than a google search. You can pick from the list below, or drop us a note and we'll talk you through who's closest, and offers the service that you need.
Want to know more? then contact us through our website where you can join as a core member and it's absolutely free as we are police led and Home Office funded.