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Want to improve your cyber resilience?

Two further SWCRC and NCSC webinars coming to a screen near you

Coming up next week are the final two webinars in our collaboration series with The National Cyber Security Centre. If you missed earlier sessions, you can catch up with them on our Youtube channel.

The final two webinars will run on Wednesday 28th at 10.30-11am and Thursday 29th at 10.30-11am.

The next webinar will is titled What a cyber incident means for your business.

Our What a cyber incident means for your business webinar will cover:

  • Outline the impacts of a cyber incident using real examples from small businesses

  • Provide details of how to access the NCSC's helpful free Response and Recovery Guide

  • Provide access to a free kit called ‘Exercise in a Box', which is an online tool from the NCSC designed to help businesses test and practice their response to a cyber attack.

Embedding Online Security

The final webinar will is titled Embedding Online Security and will take place on Thursday 29th April from 10:30-11:00.

Our Embedding Online Security webinar will cover:

  • Exercise in a Box

  • Logging Made Easy

  • Top Tips for Staff

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