Despite micro and small businesses facing a relentless onslaught from cyber-attacks, many business owners still don’t recognise the potential threats they face and mistakenly believe that their business is too small to be a target for cyber-criminals.
However, in reality, the larger, cash-rich organisations can afford to invest in the very best cycler security personnel and services, but the smaller business owners simply don’t have the finances, expertise or knowledge to protect their businesses in the same way.
The policing-led, not-for-profit Cyber Resilience Centre for the South West was established to provide its core service for free, giving out some great and plain-English guidance on how to make your IT safer. But the centre’s commercial approach allows it to do more than you’d traditionally expect from policing: it means we can work directly with you to provide affordable cyber security services via the CRC’s student services programme.
Student Cyber Services are designed to provide guidance to SMEs who are new to cyber security and need help getting started. The centre has formed a partnerships with local universities to identify the best and brightest ‘ethical hacking’ talent from across the region. These hand-picked students are deployed to work alongside the centre’s experienced team to provide small business with a range of affordable service to help improve your cyber resilience.
One of the cyber services available is a Cyber Business Continuity Exercise, in the 2021 Cyber Security Breaches Survey from the Department of Media, Culture and Sport it was revealed that only 31% of businesses have continuity plans that take cyber security into consideration. That’s a rather large gap when 39% of businesses reported being victims of cyber crime.
Take a listen to Mark Moore, Director of the South West Cyber Resilience Centre as he explains how a Cyber Business Continuity Exercise could help your business.
The Cyber Business Continuity Exercise offers a review of your business continuity planning and the resilience of your business to cyber-attacks such as ransomware or when attackers take control of your core systems.
We use elements of the international business continuity management systems standard ‘ISO/IEC 22301:2019’ as a model to review your continuity planning and includes aspects such as internal and external (customer and public) communications, recovery objectives (tolerable downtime, tolerable service loss), disaster recovery and recovery testing and exercises.
You will receive a report that includes a comprehensive gap analysis and plain language recommendations based on your current business continuity arrangements, impact assessments, risk management and your business.
So whilst the crux of the offer remains ‘something for nothing’, if you need a little more, it’s worth checking out the cyber resilience centre as a gateway to additional services that you can afford and trust.
Find out more on the website at