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Want to improve your cyber resilience?

Missed our latest webinars with the NCSC? Catch them here!

Updated: May 6, 2021

Our final two webinars with the NCSC have now taken place and are available to watch back via the links below.

Our What a cyber incident means for your business webinar covered:

  • The impacts of a cyber incident using real examples from small businesses

  • Provided details of how to access the NCSC's helpful free Response and Recovery Guide

  • Provided access to a free kit called ‘Exercise in a Box', which is an online tool from the NCSC designed to help businesses test and practice their response to a cyber attack

Our Embedding Online Security webinar covered:

  • Exercise in a Box

  • Logging Made Easy

  • Top Tips for Staff

Keep an eye out on our website for further events and whilst you're there have a look at our membership designed to help your business become safer and to stay that way. There’s nothing to lose if you do.

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